This is not a typical leader development program.
Conscious Leader Program
... are yearning to lead in a different way
… a way that values the dignity of people while also valuing fulfillment of purpose and sustainability
... are ready to engage in a journey of personal transformation
… ready to be open to new possibilities, new skills, new ways of seeing familiar situations
… ready to embrace and transform the unconscious fears that are limiting you
… ready to enhance self-awareness and self-responsibility
... are willing to commit approximately 3 hours per week to their development over 12-week periods
… that’s the minimum time investment needed to participate in the fullness of the learning process for each course theme, which includes preparatory activities, live facilitated sessions, practice activities & feedback sessions.
Next cohort starts Wed February 26, 2025
Enrollment closes Feb 19
The Conscious Leader Program is for those who...
What Distinguishes the
Conscious Leader Program?
Though originally designed for leaders within workplace settings, it is equally applicable to leaders in other social settings as well: in the family (parents, partners), in schools (teachers, coaches, administrators), in community groups, etc.
Perhaps most importantly, it is about leading yourself and changing how you show up.
Enhance self-awareness and self-responsibility.
Diminish reactive thinking based in unconscious fear (personal entropy).
The development of new skills, mindsets and awareness is interdependent, and the process is transformative, not incremental.
Interestingly it is a process of spiral learning rather than linear learning, where each new awareness enables us to see new possibilities, new skills, new ways of being. So it is common to re-engage in the same course or the same book or the same situation, and to activate learning and skill development at a deeper level.
“No man ever steps in the same river twice. For it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” —Heraclitus
Measure one’s evolution in this transformation using values/needs-based assessments.
At its core are the pragmatic teachings of Needs-Based Communication* (NBC)
As you practice the process of NBC and apply it to your work and life situations, it awakens awareness and expands consciousness toward an embodied human-needs consciousness
Human needs live energetically in our bodies … we feel them as yearnings to come alive!
* Needs-Based Communication (NBC) is based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg, which he called "Nonviolent Communication™" or NVC.
I have chosen to call the process Needs-Based Communication (NBC) for two reasons:
First, human needs are the heart of the process.
Secondly, I have wanted to avoid the common initial reaction from people in business that "... we're not a violent place."
Within this website and in related materials, any of these names or acronyms may be used, and they all refer to the same process.
Gregg Kendrick has been a Certified CNVC Nonviolent Communication™ Trainer since January 2006.
Activate & engage the “right-brain” with the “left-brain”
Enhance somatic awareness and sensitivity (needs and feelings live in the body)
Learn to value and nurture the full spectrum of human needs, e.g.
Quality of Relationships: with myself, with others, in communities, …
Health & Well-Being: nutrition, physical activity, meditation, …
Meaning & Purpose
Mattering: being heard, being seen, empathy
As your awareness & consciousness expands, we discover that human needs connect us to something larger than ourselves, something I sometimes call a Life-force.
A mindset emerges of “I matter AND You matter,” and we become more able to see the humanness in everyone, even those whose behaviors we disagree with or even abhor.
namaste: the divine within me sees and celebrates the divine within you
In our leadership role, we begin to value people intrinsically, not as a means to an end.
We expand in our valuing of all life, to see all life as connected, interdependent ecosystems … including the Earth itself.
Consciousness expands in measurable ways, not as a concept, but as a lived embodiment, e.g.
BVC Model of Consciousness: movement into levels 4 and 5, and redefining how we show up in levels 1, 2 & 3
Spiral Dynamics: movement from 1st Tier levels (e.g. Green & Orange) to Second Tier (e.g. Yellow & Turquoise)
We yearn for fuller ways of expressing our human experience. I find myself, for example, inspired by the metaphor of “the Music of the ‘Cosmic Symphony’” where every person is playing their unique instrument, robustly and authentically.
This program has evolved, not from theory, but from the emergent clarity of perceiving and practicing leadership through the experience of an embodied human-needs consciousness. Every aspect of the program is interconnected and has a depth of clarity when seen in relationship to all other aspects.
That place of embodied human-needs consciousness, for me, is a place of expansive clarity and trust. It is a place of knowing beyond my personal knowing, which I sometimes call a Truth-force.
What is being shared within this program is not created or imagined or theorized, but discovered. It is not “of me” but “through me” that I am called to share these discoveries.
Motivating intrinsically rather than extrinsically
Valuing each person’s autonomy to choose, and learn from the outcome of their choice
Holding ourselves and each other mutually accountable in a way that feels like support rather than blame.
Explicitly valuing each person through our presence and quality of listening.
Leaning into conflict to harvest what matters and invite connection amidst the tension and separation.
Always connecting to human needs first, holding with equal care my own needs, the needs of others, and the needs of our collective whole
Whatever human system you lead — a family, a classroom, a community group, a team, a government agency, a department, an organization — as a leader you lead the collective whole, not just the individuals within it. How you interact with the collective whole matters, as does the culture you create.
As the leader of the group, you are part of the system and participate fully. This development process is something you do WITH your group. Ideally, the leader of the group would begin the process first so that they are able to model behavior rather than simply expect the behavior from others. Ultimately, the group can only evolve to the level that the leader has evolved.
For leadership teams in the workplace, each member of the leadership team participates, and there are typically regular coaching sessions with the leadership team as a whole.
The leader of the team supports accountability of the structured learning process within the team, which, in turn, models how the next level of leaders take it to their teams.
For larger organizations, it starts with the members of the top leadership team AND the top leadership team as a whole. It then cascades down to next level of leadership as each team is ready.
Leadership teams or groups can enroll in a private cohort that is scheduled and tailored to your group’s needs.
When you make a decision out of anger, guilt or shame, rarely will you meet the needs of anyone — not your needs, not the needs of the people around you, not the needs of the organization.
Gregg Kendrick
Elements of the
Conscious Leader Program
When you enroll in the Conscious Leader Program, you will choose two things:
a COURSE to focus on, and
a COHORT that meets at a particular time each week with the same group of people for a specific 3-month (12-week) period.
It is during these cohort meetings that the weekly live, facilitator-led sessions for your course happen.
In terms of choosing a course, Course 1 | How am I Showing Up as a Leader: Enhancing Self-Awareness & Self-Responsibility is the core foundational course and is a prerequisite for most other courses in the Conscious Leader Program. It’s the place to begin.*
The next recommended course is Course 2 | Moving Beyond Rewards & Punishment: Valuing Your People & Mutual Accountability. It’s the second foundational course and also a prerequisite for most other courses in the CLP. Beyond that, you have flexibility to chose the course that fits your learning journey.
Each course is embedded in a structured learning process over three (3) months which includes these elements:
Preparatory activities
Weekly 80-min live, facilitator-led sessions
Structured resources in an online Course Portal and Course Workbook to support learning
Structured practice activities with feedback and coaching in group practice sessions
Mutual peer coaching
A conscious learning community of people learning together and offering mutual support in a multi-level cohort
Individual leaders can enroll in an ongoing public cohort, with new terms starting every 12 weeks.
Leadership teams or groups can enroll in a private cohort that is scheduled and tailored to your group’s needs.
* NOTE: If you already have significant experience in Needs-Based Communication (NBC) or Nonviolent Communication™ (NVC), please contact Gregg to explore where to start in the Conscious Leader Program.
First, the participant engages in preparatory materials to become familiar with key concepts in preparation for the live, facilitator-led “content” session.
These key concepts for “content” sessions are initially delivered through online materials in the Online Portal: videos, readings, handouts, learning aids, etc.
Second, the participant engages in the live, facilitator-led “content” session (or listens to the recording if unable to directly participate) which typically includes:
Structured Q&A discussion of core concepts
Examples & stories that illustrate the core concepts
Demonstration of core processes
Clarity of follow-on activities
After the “content” session, the participant applies the content to their real-life situations through structured practice activities, and gets initial 1:1 feedback and coaching from their mutual peer coach or “integration buddy."
As the final element in the process, the participant engages in the live, facilitator-led "practice/coaching” session (or listens to the recording if unable to directly participate) where all participants can get feedback and coaching.
Engaging in the same course again (and even again!) deepens the learning (awareness, skills, somatic connection). You will “see” things you were not ready to see the first time.
Supporting other participants in learning the same course creates an even deeper “spiral” of learning
Select an element below for more details.