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Meet Gregg

After being co-owner & CEO of a software technology training firm for almost 20 years, Gregg has been a full-time consultant/trainer since 2004. Using human needs-based frameworks and processes, such as Needs-Based Communication (NVC™), the Cultural Transformation Tools™ of Barrett Values Centre, or the Sociocratic Circle Method, he supports conscious leaders to create conscious cultures where people and purpose matter. He teaches skill sets and a mindset that inspire, empower and build trust among people.


Gregg's work focuses on both leadership development through training and coaching as well as full-scale cultural transformation projects that include assessments, facilitated conversations, and supported implementation. He is a Certified Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) Trainer who has facilitated trainings in the United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Australia, South Korea, India and South Africa. His clients include the University of Virginia, Toyota, Dancing Classrooms, Electronic Controls Design, NCIS, Kent State University, PLICO, Deschutes County Health Services, and Bosch.


Outside of work, Gregg enjoys using his carpentry and woodworking skills to renovate and preserve his 100-year-old home. A labor of love! For sheer fun, he loves sailing in the Chesapeake Bay or paddleboarding on local lakes with friends. He has lived in Charlottesville, Virginia, for more than 30 years with his wife, Lisa, with whom he has had the joy to raise three daughters.

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For those looking for a CV or resumé, I invite you to have a look at my LinkedIn Profile

Create a workplace
where people matter.


Given that I have invited you to join me in the journey of personal transformation to become a more conscious leader, I wanted to share with you the story of how my own journey began. What follows is something I wrote in 2007. It is the opening chapter of an unpublished piece entitled: Working as Though People Matter: An Experiment in Living Nonviolent Communication in the Workplace …


Conscious Nutrition

I have recently discovered the transformative potency of focusing on whole foods that are nutrient-rich and free of any added sugar or unhealthy additives. I am awed by the changes in my body after only a few months of practicing this change: more energized, more alert & clear-headed, loss of fat & excess weight, elimination of minor health annoyances (aches, inflammation, congestion). I am also surprised at the enjoyment of the foods being eaten, and the newfound excitement I have about foods, their nutritional profile and meal preparation.

The work of Dr. William Li was a primary resource for this journey.

Contact Gregg

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Urban Ecosystem Restoration

Spurred by a rainwater runoff issue at our home, we discovered a solution beyond our wildest imagination: a restoration of the native ecosystem of a part of our yard that we learned was a Piedmont Upland Depression Swamp. I have been awed by the wildness and the beauty of our new native urban meadow. I invite you to enjoy this video clip from a PBS regional production called “Virginia Home Grown,” which featured our native plantings in an episode on Sep 26, 2023.

Mindfulness Practices

I have consciously engaged in mindfulness practices for more than 30 years. While there are many expressions of these practices, I want to highlight two resources that I access on a daily basis:


Blue Mountain Center of Meditation - based on life work of Eknath Easwaran. 

The “Thought for the Day” arrives in my inbox everyday and is part of my daily inspiration as I start each day. I overall enjoy his approach to meditation, and the variety of resources you can find on his website.

Insight Timer.  

This is an app I use on my iPhone. The features I use most are the Timer for my daily silent meditations, and the Quote that is refreshed daily, and that I display prominently on both my iPhone and Mac screen widgets. That said, there are a host of resources here, most of which don’t require a subscription, including a variety of guided meditations.

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