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A new evolution of the Conscious Leader Program

Updated: Jan 28

In my quest to “shine the light” on conscious leadership, I am eager for that light to be a bright beacon that calls to action all who are ready to begin or to deepen their own practice in conscious leadership.

In the political and business landscape we live in today, I believe there has never been a more critical moment to demonstrate that there is a different way to lead. A way that values the dignity of people while also valuing fulfillment of purpose and sustainability. A way that refuses to coerce or manipulate or harm to get what we want, and instead inspires by connecting to what matters. A way where people expand and come alive into their highest potential rather than contract in fear.

My yearning is to build a nurturing community of conscious leader practitioners to enliven this journey for all of us.

A place that stimulates each of us toward new self-awareness and pragmatic skills that have real impact on how we each show up as a leader. A place where each of us can interact in-person with others who share our quest and develop mutually supportive relationships. A place that becomes a living example of the consciousness and culture we each want to create within our own team or group.

The core of this nurturing community we are building is the Conscious Leader Program.

I am especially thrilled to announce a new evolution of the Conscious Leader Program, the most evolved form yet, that harvests the wisdom and learnings from our experiences over the last three decades, both in content and in structure.

Here are a few highlights:

  • An expanded intended audience to include the broadest sense of “being a leader.” Though originally designed for leaders within workplace settings, it is equally applicable to leaders in other social settings as well: in the family (parents, partners), in schools (teachers), in community groups, etc.

  • Publicly available to individual leaders. Formerly available in its full form only privately within workplace organizations, it is now available as a public offering so any individual leader can enroll and participate.

  • Fueled by the potency of human needs as a catalyst for transformation. Needs-Based Communication* (aka Nonviolent Communication™ or NVC) continues to be at the heart of every aspect of the Program.

  • Organized in 3-month (12-week) “terms.” Each Course within the Program lasts 12 weeks. You can choose to take one course, or several. You can choose to continue in a consecutive term, or pause until you are ready to continue.

  • Active engagement in a Conscious Learning Community. A "cohort" is a community of people who meet weekly at the same time and day of each week. Each cohort includes members with different levels of skills and experience. The community itself becomes an environment of trust and mutual support that invites authenticity and vulnerability which accelerates your development.

  • Weekly 80-min group facilitator-led sessions. Interact weekly in-person (via zoom) with your specific learning community of peers and experienced practitioners. Plan to spend another 80-90 minutes each week in prep or practice activities.

  • An online portal provides access to discussion groups, learning materials and a step-by-step process of activities for each session of the Course.

  • Program pricing is structured as a monthly subscription over the duration of the term(s) you select, starting at $240/month.

  • The next cohort begins Wed Feb 26, 2025. It meets weekly on Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 2:20pm EDT (6:00pm to 7:20pm BST; 10am to 11:20 PDT) until Wed May 21. The enrollment deadline is Wed Feb 19.

I invite you to enroll.

Have a look at the details of the Conscious Leader Program to see if it is a good fit for you. We would love to have you as an active participant in our Conscious Leader community.

And if you know someone who might be a good fit for the Program, I encourage you to forward a link to this announcement to them.

Have questions or want to talk in person about the Program?

I invite you to attend a monthly live information session focused on the "Conscious Leader Program: Q&A with Gregg.”


* Needs-Based Communication (NBC) is based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg, which he called "Nonviolent Communication™" or NVC.


I have chosen to call the process Needs-Based Communication (NBC) for two reasons:

  • First, human needs are the heart of the process.

  • Secondly, I have wanted to avoid the common initial reaction from people in business that "... we're not a violent place."

Within this blog and in related materials, any of these names or acronyms may be used, and they all refer to the same process.

Gregg Kendrick has been a Certified CNVC Nonviolent Communication™ Trainer since January 2006.

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